When Beth Crider and I started the loop the lake project and we did our first collection for donations in 2006, Don Lucas, founder of Luke’s Locker, had known me for only a couple of years. But when I approached him and asked for help with raising funds to prevent childhood obesity, he simply said “what do you need?”
Since that time Luke’s locker has been committed to stepping up their contribution to the success of our Loop-the-Lake run year after year. If you have run this event in the past several years you probably have a collection of running gear with the Loop the Lake label on it. What you may not of known is Luke’s locker has provided those gear items, asking for absolutely nothing in return.
Just a few short years ago Matt Lucas came to me and said, “we want to find some more ways to give more to your event this year.” He came up with the idea of giving away a $100 gift card to the highest donor and he came up with the idea to give away the sports bags with a $10 gift card tucked neatly inside. Matt, just like his dad Don, continues the tradition of supporting Dallas non-profit organizations. Their generosity has come to this organization at no cost to us.

Not only does Luke’s Locker support non-profit community organizations, but they also demonstrate a commitment to the community through grassroots fitness programs. Since 2004 I’ve been running with Luke’s locker’s and am delighted and impressed with their never ceasing efforts to improve the experience of running in our communities. Quite frankly, their heart is in the game.
This January 2015, Luke’s locker is starting another spring training program catering to runners at every stage. Honestly, if you want to become a faster runner, if you want to become a more consistent runner or if you simply want to become a better runner, I absolutely recommend Luke’s Locker Spring Training program. No matter what stage of running you find yourself, whether you’re getting out there for the first time or you’re winner of a half marathon, their training programs will have something to fit your needs. Every Saturday morning through mid-May the coaches at Luke’s Locker will beat you down and build you up.
So, if you are planning to join us on December 31 for the New Year’s eve run, wonderful! Please sign up and donate here. I would also urge you to make this run not just your last run of 2014, but also make it the beginning of your spring training with Luke’s Locker.
I’d like to offer a special thanks to Luke’s Locker for all they’ve done over the years on behalf of Dallas Loop-the-Lake Foundation, Beth Crider and myself. The generosity Luke’s has demonstrated is just a small example of the same spirit existing in the Dallas running community at large. Your support of our efforts to prevent childhood obesity in our community is overwhelming, we could not do what we do without you. See you on New Year’s Eve.